Our vision IS an interconnected world in which all peatland dwellers are supported culturally and ecologically

Who are we?

We are a group of enthusiastic peat-ple across Europe engaged in creative advocacy for peatlands. Our diverse backgrounds span art, science, and activism, united by a shared love for peatlands and a commitment to protecting them. Since RE-PEAT began as a small group in 2020, we've grown into a group of about 20 members. Some of us work for RE-PEAT on a paid basis, while others contribute as volunteers. As a collective, we work on various projects, each with creative autonomy. 




We want to shift the narrative of peatlands as wastelands to peatlands as wonderlands!

What is our goal?

We live in a world where ideas and narratives shape actions. The dominant narrative portrays peatlands as wastelands. Only through human manipulation will they be economically valuable. We work to change this, promoting a narrative that values intact peatlands for their ecological, cultural, climatic, and historical significance. This shift in perspective should stimulate behaviours and policies that prioritise the preservation and restoration of peatlands.

The deeper story 

Peatlands are not the only ecosystems suffering from commodification. The perception of peatlands as "wastelands" stems from a dominant societal view that separates human and non-human life. Our histories in the west are shaped by this view, which has resulted the natural world being reduced to a resource that people feel entitled to exploit. Effective, long-lasting and truly restorative change for peatlands depends on shifting this mindset to one of interconnectedness and mutual care.

photo credits: Andrejs Strokins

What do we do?

We create impact for peatlands in two key ways: 

  • We educate and activate those who are already concerned with environmental and social issues, introducing them to the importance of peatlands.

  • We stimulate and support to adopt a peatland narrative rooted in environmental justice. 

At the same time, we trust that our work matters, even when some effects are not immediately visible or unfold slowly. This trust, grounded in both measurable results and unseen impacts, motivates us to keep moving forward.

Our activities include:


restoration efforts

educational programmes


Art & design




Installations & exhibitions 

Articles & booklets

we deliver impact through:

  • Decision-making processes are often controlled by those with wealth and privilege, who face little discrimination. Meanwhile, many of the people most affected by political decisions—such as young people, individuals from historically marginalised countries, and rural communities—are frequently excluded. Our work seeks to empower these groups, giving them greater agency over their futures and amplifying their voices in political discussions.

    Peatland Justice, Peat-Fest, Restoration Academy

  • For many, the word peatland is still without meaning. Part of our work of shifting the peatland narrative is by stimulating people of all ages to build their understanding of what a peatland is and why peatlands are important. People learn in different ways, so with our education programmes and resources, we hope to build well-rounded learning experiences for getting to know about the wonders of peatlands.

    Bog Academy, Restoration Academy, B(l)og

  • Art has always been essential in driving societal change. It conveys powerful messages that words alone often cannot. Through art, we aim to inspire people to view peatlands with a sense of wonder and curiosity. By bringing together artists, activist and scientists, we connect the political with the emotional, creating impactful images and stories. In doing so, we also strive to sustain the important role of artists in society. 

    Moss Pit, Peatlands Cyanotype workshop, Bogs ‘n Books

  • We don’t just educate about peatlands; we view them as inspiring artistic collaborators, rich in wisdom. Peatlands are unique, norm-defying ecosystems that challenge societal conventions. Through our workshops and events, we invite people to be transformed and inspired by these remarkable landscapes. Peatlands offer a special space for gaining new insights on ourselves and the world we live in.

    Grief and Peatlands workshop, Re-imagining workshop

  • We recognize that the forces threatening peatlands and their communities—capitalism, colonialism, and extractivism—are the same forces impacting other social and environmental causes. We connect with people working on these issues, build relationships, learn from one another, strengthen each other's efforr and highlight our shared struggles. Just like the interconnected peatlands on earth, we collaborate globally for just societies.

    Peatland Justice, Peat Anthology, Peat-Fest


RE-PEAT has been registered as a Stichting in the Netherlands on 16 July 2020

Legal name: Stichting RE-PEAT

RSIN/fiscal number: 861464540

KvK number: 78598311
Account number: NL58 TRIO 0320 1971 58  


2023 Financial Report

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