Meet our team!

RE-PEAT is a shapeshifting ecosystem, constantly undergoing fusions and fissions, absorptions and adsorptions, mimicking the dynamic nature of a wetland. Some of us pass through like a migratory bird while others fully sink themselves into the dark matter of the peat and become part of the foundation of our mushy ecosystem. A resilient ecosystem will survive when nodes diminish, and so RE-PEAT maintains itself while its members have the freedom to grow and shrink in their capacities.

My name is Bethany (she/her) and I'm part of the Peatland Justice team and also work on funding and project development. I've been part of RE-PEAT since the idea was first seeded on the bus ride home from an excursion where we first learnt about these amazing ecosystems. I’m currently studying Planetary Poetics in Amsterdam, and am interested in combining artistic and scientific approaches to soils and wetlands.


Project funding coordinator, Peatland justice co-coordinator

Hi, I am Ireen (she/they), living in Amsterdam. I am coming from a climate activism and molecular biology background and have sunk deeper and deeper into the world of peat over the last years. I enjoy how peatlands serve as both a creative collaborator and a space of deep significance for socio-ecological justice. I’m a passionate organiser and enjoy facilitating collaborative processes, implementing transformative governance and fostering strategic thinking. I care about building relations between RE-PEAT and social movements in order to complement and amplify each other’s efforts. Currently, I am particularly interested in the role of peat in Dutch history.


Peatland justice co-Coordinator

Hey, I am Frankie (she/her). I am interested in how to develop the kinds of care, community and imagination needed to tackle the most complex and interwoven issues of today. Outside of my work with RE-PEAT, I am currently studying an MSc in land and water management at Wageningen University & Research because I want to learn more about the technical and social elements needed for landscape transformation. One of the reasons that I find peatland ecosystems so inspirational is that they teach us about how to give in unexpected ways. Through preserving plants in a state of semi-decomposition, they also preserve life above the ground.


Network Coordinator, Restoration Academy Coordinator

Hey, my name is Flavie (she/her), currently based in Paris. I got to hear about peatlands three years ago through RE-PEAT and was immediately captivated by their uniqueness and RE-PEAT’s creative and passionate community. Today, I am involved in Bog Academy and working as the research lead for the Peatland Justice campaign. My goal within RE-PEAT is to empower our members and enable emerging projects! Outside of the boggy sphere, I study law and corporate accountability, focusing on human rights and environmental impacts within supply chains. Currently, I am interested in how retailers advertise and label their peat(-free) soil products!


Finance and Project Coordinator

I am Mari-Liis (she/her) and I have already spent 31 fabulous years in this world. Growing up in Estonia, I was surrounded and amazed by the beauty of peatlands. However, I only learnt about their true value and importance when I started my MSc in Environmental Science in Vienna. Not long after, I joined RE-PEAT and I am currently the coordinator of the Bog Academy, tech op coordinator of Peat Base and co-coordinator of the Peatland Justice campaign. Taking a bath in a bog lake in Estonia is my favourite summer activity which I often miss now living in Hungary.


Technical operations Coordinator, peatland justice co-coordinator

My name is Jamie (he/him). I first encountered peatlands repairing a boardwalk with a volunteer group at a local nature reserve. I had been there many times before, but never knew it was a peatland! Flash forward and I've just finished a year-long Master's research project on an alkaline fen in Oxford, investigating how warming interacts with historic nutrient pollution to affect decomposition rates. My current work at Re-Peat is focussing on how we can use the next iteration of Peat-Fest to get more people out and about restoring, protecting and loving their local peatlands.


Community mobilisation Coordinator

Hi! I’m Monika (she/her). I'm the communications team coordinator and brand designer at Re-Peat. The collective got to me through word of mouth, specifically my friend’s mouth who convinced me to join and I’m eternally grateful. I have previously studied environmental politics and economics and I had a rather depressing outlook on the state of global climate management but my work at re-peat makes me feel like I'm making a more significant difference than during the three years of my education. Now I am continuing my journey into the path of graphic design to deepen my connection to the Earth and peatlands through art and creativity.


communications Coordinator and brand designer

My name is Ananya Jain (she/her). In my time with RE-PEAT, I have worked in various capacities within the team including roles in research, project management, growth strategising, fundraising and outreach. My current involvements lie primarily within the Peatland Justice campaign and the Books ‘n’ Bogs project (Ireland). I fell in love with RE-PEAT because of its community and unique ability to deconstruct complex socio-ecological realities through the lens of peatlands. My work remains informed by my ecological and philosophical approach towards economics, which I study at the University of Oxford.


Strategic Planning Coordinator

Hi hi! I’m Lukas (they/them), a freak currently living in the English Midlands, and creative coordinator at RE-PEAT. I joined RE-PEAT in early 2021 when I was doing my Masters’ research on peatland disturbance and restoration in Scotland’s Flow Country, and I’ve remained obsessed with peat since then. I love bogs for their liminality, their queerness, and the mystery and archival knowledge they contain. My background is in science but I tend to explore peat through artistic practices, including illustration, print and audiovisual experience, to create fun and accessible gateways to peatlands.


peatland justice creative Coordinator

I’m Isis (she/her), with a bachelor in physics from Amsterdam University College. I’m currently living in Berlin, and working with RE-PEAT in the Communications team and Bog Academy. Though I grew up surrounded by peatlands, I never learned to appreciate the immense impact they have on the Dutch landscape. I knew of RE-PEAT through friends, and I decided to join this community to help change the perception and just be around passionate nature lovers. I am also a big biker, hiker, and wanderer and in the spirit of peatland appreciation I have been exploring the peaty areas around Berlin (I recommend it for anyone in the city!).


Communications and Bog Academy team member

Hi, I am Milan (she/they). I am a working group member of the Peatland Justice campaign and a co-extended coordinator for the Youth Advisory Board of the Restoration Academy Project. While studying in the Netherlands, two of my closest friends would incessantly point out all things peat related to me until I found myself doing the same, and following them into joining this amazing collective.


peatland justice and restoration academy team member

Hi, I’m Izzy (she/her). I first became interested in peatlands because my mum is from the midlands in Ireland, which is bog country. While I was doing my master’s in anthropology, I became interested in peatlands as being between life and death, and wanted to find out more about their importance in Irish culture at a time when Ireland is going through the Just Transition. I did ethnographic research with the Abbeyleix Bog Project and learned so much about the rich ecologies that make up a bog. My friends keep sending me bog related content on social media, I’m always talking about peatlands!


Communications and Restoration academy team member

I am an environmental artist who came to RE-PEAT via my project Peat Cultures. I am on the communications working group. I value surviving wetlands for their wildness and I hope people live alongside them forever! I love how RE-PEAT works for this possibility. I got to know peatlands through hillwalking and when I heard how urgently they needed support, I began working alongside a restoration team in SW Scotland. My project took me to scientific and museum contexts in Wageningen University in the Netherlands - another country with long peatland histories.


Communications team member

My name is Bertie (he/him) and I am a musician and writer from the North West of England via Jamaica, Ghana & Scotland. My involvement with RE-PEAT started a couple of years ago when I was asked to compose some music for a promotional video relating to a previous campaign. Then, in 2023, I joined the “Moss Pit” team where I helped create the musical piece and helped with the set-up at IMMA. Currently, I’m part of the Peatland justice campaign. In my spare time, I enjoy quizzing (obsessively) and watching sports.


Peatland Justice Team Member

Hi everyone! I’m Theresa (she/her), a student in Amsterdam, who listened to her friends go on and on about peatlands until I became fascinated with them, and their so often overlooked importance myself. I joined in January 2023 as an intern, who was mostly responsible for getting Re-Peat trademarked (woo!) and then joined the Bog Academy working group. My favourite part of Re-Peat has been learning from my fellow members, and teaching everyone I come across what peatlands are (because they never do, and that is a shame!)


general team member

I am Lara (she/her). Since reading about peatlands and their role as climate mitigators, I’ve been engaging with peatlands on a personal, local, spiritual, and academic level. The land I was born on - the northern German countryside – used to be covered with them. My research on what peatlands can teach me about decolonization/liberation has sparked my interest in the human-ecology around peat. I see peatlands as teachers and as portals for grief, remembrance, and empowerment. I am currently diving more deeply into the topic of peatlands and grief in my work with RE-PEAT.


general team member

Hi, I’m pantea (she/they), a member of Moss Pit project for which I did the sound design and mixing. I’m learning in and inspired by the RE-PEAT community, and happy to help with small tasks in the community whenever I can. I’m passionate about wetlands and plants. My connection with peatlands has been my obsession to learn more and spend time with the plant Sundew. Outside of RE-PEAT, I work as a sound artist in Barcelona


general team member

Hi! I'm Holly Bartley (she/her), a 23-year-old design research student in Paris. Currently, I'm participating in the Restoration Academy group and co-developing the Peatland & Grief workshops. My peatland journey started during my research project focused on designing for ageing society and neurodegenerative care. I found intriguing parallels between the narratives around time and ageing, alike to peatlands. I feel incredibly grateful to have stumbled upon the Re-Peat community, a space where I can connect with caring and creative individuals, all together in a dedication to contributing to a more compassionate world.


RESTORATION academy team member

Dia duit, is mise Sophie. I recently graduated from my Plant Biology degree here in Cork. I joined RE-PEAT in early 2023 during my final year and I'm so glad I did! Since joining I've been involved in projects like Moss Pit and now our super exciting Bogs and Books project based co. Laois, Ireland. In this project we will be working with the local community and Laois libraries to collect stories and memories about peatlands and create events to celebrate the role of bogs in the area. Outside of RE-PEAT, I work as Communications Officer for The Rivers Trust on their BUFFER + project which also focuses on peatland conservation.


general team member

Hi, I am Judith (she/her). Since last year I have been a member of RE-PEAT (juhuu!). These days I am finishing my bachelors in agricultural sciences with a thesis on the revegetation of a mined peatland in northern Finland. Through my studies and work on farms I also care much for food sovereignty and peasant empowerment and I like bringing this perspective into RE-PEAT. Recently I enjoyed spending my time in the vast and misty northern peatlands, where I did field and lab work for a research project. Besides peat-stuff, I like to bind books, knit and bake bread.


Restoration Academy team member


Join the team

Did you also fall in love with the peat and now find yourself unable to pull your feet out of the bog? Great! Join our lovely crew of peat-ple. We welcome new folks into the team every three months and ask for a commitment of a minimum of 3 hours per week. RE-PEAT consists of a blend of paid and voluntary members. If you are interested in joining us, introduce yourself with a short motivation and your CV by e-mailing

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